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STP Onboarding process for software providers

1. Review the STP (Single Touch Payroll) BIG (Business Implementation Guide)

Review the ATO’s Business Implementation Guide (BIG)

A document published by the ATO for DSPs who wish to build or update their software to provide STP reporting services to employers. You can find the BIG on the ATO’s website.

The BIG document helps DSPs to understand the business context surrounding the functional requirements of STP.

Proceed to Step 2

2. Register with the Standard Business Reporting Program

To access the SBR test environment

Visit at to register as a digital service provider (DSP).

Proceed to Step 3

3. Register with the ATO Digital Partnership Office

To gain access to an ATO contact to work with you throughout the software development life cycle

Visit to register.

Proceed to Step 4

4. Create the XML file

Develop the ATO SBR2 XML file

You will need to develop the XML file according to the ATO’s requirements. Download the latest PAYEVNT.0003 XML file from the ATO’s website.

ClickSuper provides an STP test file, which you can download here: ClickSuper Test STP File

Register in our BETA system

You can register in the ClickSuper BETA system by following our guide to register for ClickSuper BETA.

Test your XML file and correct errors

Once registered login to the BETA system and upload your Test STP XML file and use the error reporting system to correct/amend your file until you upload a successful file. For a guide to upload your Test STP files please visit our help guide.

Proceed to Step 5

5. Conformance test in the SBR EVTE (External Vendor Test Environment)

External Vendor Testing Environment (EVTE) Conformance Testing

Carry out ATO’s conformance testing using ClickSuper beta environment then obtain the conformance test suite and the STP Product ID for EVTE (External Vendor Testing Environment) testing from the ATO account manager.

Record the conformance testing results and send them to the ATO. The ATO will provide feedback on the results and once supplied you can complete the ATO’s Operational Framework requirements which you can view here.

Proceed to Step 6

6. ATO PVT (Product Verification Test) in production

Begin production verification testing (PVT)

Read the production verification testing (PVT) guide available here. Obtain the STP Product ID for production from your ATO contact. The next step is to request certification from the ATO, more information is available on the ATO’s certify your service page.

Register in our Production system

You can register in the ClickSuper Production system by following our registration guide.

Prepare live employer data that will be lodged to the ATO production system and notify the ATO when you are ready to complete your production verification testing (PVT) and submit your first PAYEVNT.

Proceed to Step 7

7. Receive ATO whitelisting

Whitelist your software

Once you have carried out your Product Verification Testing (PVT) received approval by the ATO, your software will be whitelisted and you and your clients will be able to start using ATO digital services in production.

Final Step